Complying with Minnesota Bar and Restaurant Customer Service Policies

Learn how to comply with Minnesota Bar & Restaurant Customer Service Policies by following the Minnesota Food Code, obtaining licenses from all three PRO organizations, and having full control over what is being played in their establishments.

Complying with Minnesota Bar and Restaurant Customer Service Policies

Minnesota has a set of laws and regulations that all food establishments must adhere to in order to provide safe and quality service to their customers. The Minnesota Food Code, chapter 4626 of the Minnesota Rules, contains the minimum design, installation, construction, operation and maintenance requirements for all Minnesota food establishments. It is essential for bar and restaurant owners to be aware of these standards in order to guarantee that they are delivering the best customer service possible. In addition to following the Minnesota Food Code, bar and restaurant owners should also be aware of the licensing restrictions that come with playing music in their establishments.

Music rights holders such as ASCAP, BMI and SESAC can sue businesses if they do not have the proper licenses for the music they are playing. To avoid this, bar and restaurant owners should acquire licenses from all three PRO organizations. This will reduce their liability and provide a quality offer for their customers. It is also important for bar and restaurant owners to be aware of law enforcement by ASCAP, BMI and SESAC.

These organizations may send representatives to bars and restaurants posing as customers in order to take notes on the songs being played. This is why it is essential for bar and restaurant owners to have full control over what is being played in their establishments. By following the Minnesota Food Code, obtaining licenses from all three PRO organizations, and having full control over what is being played in their establishments, bar and restaurant owners can guarantee that they are providing the best customer service possible. This will help them build a strong and loyal customer base in the long term.

Warren Boal
Warren Boal

Hipster-friendly coffee maven. . Unapologetic internet scholar. Hardcore food advocate. Award-winning pizza enthusiast.